The most important thing to follow on Instagram from accounts belonging to the Levant
If you are from the Levant, you must know the most famous Instagram accounts that are worth following if you want to take advantage of this application on your mobile phone in the various fields you are interested in. Here are the most famous of those accounts as follows:
Jordan’s most important Instagram accounts
At the top of the list is definitely Joe Khattab, who has over 2 million followers on this app. But not only this is what makes Joe Khattab in a very special position from the rest of the Instagram celebrities in Jordan. It also relates to the content it provides on its account. Which is based mainly on shedding light on a number of places around the world that are obscure to Arabs. This highlighting is done in a very simple and smooth manner. In addition, his videos are of high quality in many respects such as sound, image, etc. Which attracts a large number of Instagram users to follow it. And if you want to be one of those followers, this is his joe_hattab account.
And when we talk about Jordan’s Instagram celebrities, we must mention Yazan Al-Nobani, who has more than one million followers because of the very special thing that he presents on his account, yazan_nobani. Which is represented in short videos that mimic the reality of Jordanian society with the utmost sophistication and taste. This is because these videos do not contain any abuse of any kind, such as abuse or disrespectful behavior. So his audience sees him not just an Instagram celebrity. Rather, he is an artist who provides very impressive dramatic material with features that bring out a very impressive creativity.
Instagram accounts Syria worth following
Frankly, we will not find a better person than Hala Al-Ghazal, who is truly the most important Instagram celebrity in Syria, despite her young age, which is only 27 years old. However, she achieved great fame in that her account on the application is followed by more than 2 million followers. She has also become an ambassador for change at the United Nations.
Hala Al-Ghazal’s first subjects were cooking, beauty and fashion. These are topics of particular interest to women. Then she created a YouTube channel in which she talks about various social issues. It advocates the empowerment of women. And to have good opportunities to prove their presence and importance in society. We advise you to follow her through her account, which is haylatv, it is really cool.
The other account is for narins_beauty. It offers diverse content that is not focused on a specific field. Perhaps this is what has raised the number of his followers until they have now reached about 8 million. In it you will find content about fashion and other tips. As well as makeup-related content related to pranks. In addition to all of the above, Nareen offers a collection of modern songs that we are confident that you will enjoy a lot. As already liked and enjoyed by many followers.
Palestine’s most popular Instagram accounts
Who among us does not know Manal elaalem, the owner of the most famous culinary recipes, which gained wide fame throughout the Arab world. This popularity has made her Instagram followers reach more than 3 million followers. There is also Intisar, who decided to go to Instagram to improve her situation and the living conditions of her family by being one of his celebrities with the content that she presents, based on correcting linguistic errors, which increased the number of her followers. This number attracted to her business owners, services and products to advertise them to the people of her country. To get some big profits from this.