What are the best applications for converting currencies without the Internet on the phone?
Smartphones have helped facilitate financial and banking transactions and purchasing operations to a large extent, so that everyone can carry in their pocket a device through which they can receive and send money to and from all parts of the world, as well as complete purchases through e-shopping stores, and monitor balances, bank accounts and market variables. currencies in the world, and even mining digital currencies, provided that their phones are connected to the Internet.
Sometimes a person may need to be aware of the different exchange rates of foreign currencies against his local currency, which may change on a daily basis, before embarking on a banking or purchasing transaction that involves paying or receiving money from abroad, or before traveling to another country.
There are some smart phone applications for converting currencies that can be useful in performing this task with ease for both iPhone and Android phones. In the following lines, we will review a number of the best currency conversion applications for smartphones. What distinguishes the group of applications that we mention in this article is that they do not need a phone connection to the Internet in order to perform their work.
XE Currency Exchange app
This application, in particular, is one of applications for converting currencies and it is very popular among that category of iPhone users who constantly need to follow the movement of the currency exchange markets and precious metals in the world, because this application provides accurate and fast information, and constantly updated data about the currency and precious metals trading markets that enables you to follow Exchange rates for more than 130 currencies around the world in real time, and comparing current exchange rates for each currency with previous exchange rates through charts showing exchange rate averages over the past ten years. Download can be from here.
Currency Converter Plus app is one of the best applications for converting currencies
This application is one of the applications for converting currencies that allows the user to access the exchange rates of the various official currencies directly in real time and convert currencies immediately to and from the local currency with the possibility of converting to more than one currency at the same time in addition to a calculator so that the user can perform his financial calculations, and check himself the prices in his local currency. Download can be from here.
Travel – Currency Converter app
This application is the best choice for Android phone users who need to follow currency exchange rates in real time and see developments in the stock exchange and cryptocurrency markets such as Bitcoin, as it continues to update data automatically with every change in exchange rates, and provides accuracy in exchange rates. Conversion up to two decimal places. The application also works well when not connected to the Internet, so it is suitable for use while traveling or in places where there may not be a permanent connection to the Internet. Download can be from here.
Easy Currency Converter app is one of the most important applications for converting currencies
This application provides knowledge of the actual exchange rates for more than 180 currencies around the world, and tracks the movement of currency trading markets through data charts over the previous days, months or years. It also allows calculations to be made and shared with others through third-party applications. Download can be from here.
The user can specify a preferred list of currencies that he wants to follow up on their exchange rates in order to be able to access them faster, and the flag of the country or geographical area that uses this currency will appear to him in front of each currency he chooses, and he can also adjust the application settings so that it updates the exchange rates of these currencies automatically At intervals, such as showing you the exchange rate of the US dollar against the Egyptian pound every 5 minutes, for example, or every 30 minutes, or once a day.