Mobile AppsAndroid apps

What are the most important smartphone applications for writing articles?

Fortunately, technology has left nothing but an important way to improve it or to do it very easily. Including, without a doubt, the field of writing articles. On the various electronic application stores, we find many smart phone applications for writing articles for you. Where it can do this very easily, regardless of the topic you want to write about, and thus these applications, then, will help you complete your article quickly and save time on the one hand, and on the other hand, it will also help you to obtain 100% unique articles without spelling or grammatical errors or unkind style.

This enables such applications as well as writing articles faster to improve your writing ability. Moreover, you also get feedback to improve your writing style. Accordingly, and the importance of these great applications in the lives of many people, in this article we will talk about the most important of these applications that will help you do the matter with the highest possible efficiency.

Grammarly app

Use the Gŗmamaly app if you want to level up your game, and there is no room for errors in this app whether grammatical or punctuation errors.

Sometimes little bugs slip through the cracks but Grammarly is the fastest writing program you’ll ever use.

The Germani app releases the browser to add typing assistance, as well as error detection before sending articles. The keyboard app for Android and iOS devices has been released and will check for any wrong words, grammatical errors or vocabulary.

This application not only corrects errors, but also provides you with an explanation of these errors. Download from here.

WordPress app one of  the best applications for writing

The WordPress application is also free and open, and there are a lot of templates that you can use, and it is complete from the ground up, any blogger can use it.

Dz Techs is also run on WordPress, and many more blogs do.

There are many additions to the WordPress application, such as a shopping cart, adding a forum, live chat, and accepting payments.

The WordPress application is very flexible, as you can find any feature inside this application, and it is the best writing application for bloggers.

We have to know that the mobile version is limited and less flexible, but it also works great with this writing app. You can download from here.

INKredible app one of the most important applications for writing

You can use this application in case you want a handwriting tool, or a place to learn to write different types of fonts.

This application is considered the appropriate application for all people who use an iPad or Android, because of course it requires a larger screen in order to write, whether you use your finger or use a pen, and it also has a palm and wrist detection, so that there are no wrong inputs.

This application is also suitable for writing articles and for finding an idea for a logo, while writing or drawing storyboards, and it has many advantages, so you should use this application. Download from here.